Monday, October 14, 2013

To the End of the World and Back: Lagos, Portugal

Last weekend Jessie and some other friends from Madrid came and met me in Seville then we all went to Portugal! We to a bus ride to Lagos and then went on a Sangria sailboat cruise. It was a lot of fun! We took smaller boats to explore the grottos and caves. They were named like rooms of a house with a taxi stop, a kitchen, and a bathroom. It was so pretty! We got back and jumped off the boat and swam around for a while.
Our Sailboat

Casual Titanic picture

Not a bad place to go for a swim

We got back to the hotel and got ready for dinner. Our guides took us downtown and showed us one of the best places to eat in Lagos, Nah Nah Bah. It was really good! I got nachos! We went out to a club then that night with all the people in the program to Portugal.

The next day, Saturday, we spent all day at the beach. It was a beautiful beach day, blue sky, sunny, and not too hot. 
Quick excursion to the cliffs before our beach day

My friends, Quinn and Constantine, and I swam all the way out to the sailboat. It was a bit farther than it looked.

That night we went to the end of the world to watch the sunset. Back in the old days, when people thought the world was flat, the Portuguese people thought this was the end of the world because you look to the left and all there is is water and you look to the right and there is nothing but water and you look straight out and there is nothing but water. It was super windy but absolutely beautiful. Even pictures can't capture just how beautiful it was.

The end of the world
Sunset at the end of the world

That night we had a guide take us to another fantastic restaurant for dinner. They were friends with the owner which was cool. I had portuguese styled prawns, yum! After that we headed to a bar where they covered a pool table with a piece of wood and then you could dance on it!

The next day was another beach day. Today, the sun was hot! We decided to stay at the beach by our hotel instead of going to the west coast because supposedly there were cliffs/rocks you could jump off of into the water. We got to the beach and all wanted to jump but we had to wait until high tide. A bunch of us went on quite an adventure. We climbed over a wall to a cool little cove. While in the cove we saw some kid sitting on a rock out in the ocean, so of course we swam to the rock to jump off of it like we saw the boy do. I scampered up the rock with no problem more or less, but when I got to the top, I sliced my finger. The rock was so rough that we were sliced up on our hands and feet. Getting up the rock was the easy part. Because the water was so clear, you could see the rocks right at the bottom but you didn't know how deep it was. We probably spent about 15 minutes strategizing how to jump off the rock. Eventually we all jumped off the rock, and luckily no one hit a rock on the way down. It was so much fun!

The wall we climbed over... the cove (see the rock in the background?)
It was sad to leave beautiful Portugal and my Madrid friends. However, many more adventures to come. I booked trips to Rome with friends from Seville and Paris with friends from Richmond. Maybe I'll take a quick weekend trip to visit Jessie in Madrid!

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