Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Life in Sevillle

Things have really started to settle in here in Seville. Two weeks ago, my culture class was cancelled for the week so we made it up last week by going to a flamenco show. While, the flamenco show was really cool, I've realized that I just don't like flamenco that much. The music and singing is usually very winey. And for me, I'm just not that impressed with ladies just stomping their feet around. But that's just my opinion, I encourage you all to see flamenco at some point if you have the chance, whether you like it or not, it is a good experience. During intermission, I was talking to one girl in my class who was also a dancer and she understood what I was saying about the relatively simple footwork. She had been to a flamenco show the night before for another one of her classes and said that you have to appreciate flamenco from more of a cultural and historical perspective instead of from a dance perspective. After that, I did appreciate the second half more. But I kept thinking about the tango show I saw in Argentina where it was incredible both from a historical/cultural perspective and a dance perspective.

Also, last weekend, I went on top of las setas (the mushrooms) with my friends, Hayley and Meredith. Las Setas are the largest wooden structure in the world. They are just a giant wooden structure that looks like a mushroom. You can go on top and see beautiful view of the city. We got lucky and happened to go up at sunset...

While I have really been trying to immerse myself in the Spanish culture and act as they do, many times people just know I am an American. I went to church this past weekend and a man and his 3 kids sat in front of me. They did not look Spanish at all but then there were speaking Spanish so I was quite confused. For the peace be with you, Spaniards usually give each other a kiss on the cheek, so I went for that but he knew I was American and went for the handshake, we kinda did a combination. Turns on he was actually Scottish but has lived in Seville for the past 20 years and is one of the directors for CEA, one of the study abroad programs. I'll keep trying to act as Spanish as possible :)

This weekend I am visiting Jessie in Madrid! Real Madrid plays FC Barcelona this weekend too! The game is in Barcelona so we won't actually be going to it but it will be so fun just to watch it. While I'd rather root for Barcelona, I think I have to root for Madrid if I am in Madrid! 

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