Thursday, October 3, 2013

Home is where the Heart is

So this past Monday I moved into my new house with my friend Cece...It is absolutely wonderful! When I was thinking about this blog post I was going to do things I missed about my old house and things I wouldn't miss about my old house. But the more I thought about it, there were very few things I would miss about my old house.

A few would be:
          1. being called "guapa" "cariƱa" and "hija" (pretty, darling and daughter)
          2. having salad every night
          3. trying to figure out pasapalabra (maybe you can figure it out...Pasapalabra

A few things I knew I would not miss at all:
          1. the bathroom....having to ask to take a shower so my madre would turn the hot water on,                     walking in and there being pee in the toilet and the seat up, then getting in the shower and only being about to rinse my hair with one hand because the shower head it not attached to the wall.
          2. being so far away from everything, 45 minutes from the centro by bus
          3. having fried food everyday, specifically french fries
          4. taking taxis home and night and always having that nervous feeling as I struggled to jiggled the keys to my first door of my apartment building

Don't get me wrong, I loved my old padres, but my new madre, Susana, is so cool! As soon as I got there with all my suitcases, she asked if I wanted some coffee or tea and we just sat and chatted for about 45 minutes. I mean it was easy stuff about where I am from, my family, what I am studying, and what I like to do. She told me too that we all eat lunch together but she goes out with her friends or one of her 11 siblings in the evenings so she leaves my food on the table and I can just heat it up whenever I want. It's nice not the feel the pressure to be home for dinner at a specific time. She made huevos a la flamanca for me for dinner one night, its one of my new favorite dishes here. Its vegetables covered in tomato sauce with a poached egg on top. While I don't get salad every night, I get a lot of vegetables. I had peppers today and I had some kind of vegetable last night for dinner. I have no idea what it was and I had never heard of the word when I asked her what it was. And while I thought I would miss pasapalabra, I am much happier just chatting with Susana. We just kind of chat quite a bit. I mean it's nothing serious, we talked about her dryer for 3 minutes and about Pamplona for 10 minutes, but hey at least I'm having conversations with her. I think I have talked to her more in the past few days that I did with my old host padres in the past month.

Also I just love how close I am to everything. I met friends down on Calle Betis the other night ( a street with a bunch of bars on it). At the end of the night, they took a cab home and I just walked about half a mile home. The streets were so well lit and I felt very safe, a feeling I haven't felt in a while.

Here's some pictures of my new house :

The Living Room

Kitchen Table

Check out my incredible shower!
See the Giralda in the background of the view from my rooftop terrace 
My room

Also, I want to give a huge shoutout to Davey Dog for selling a mill! Woohoo!

This is the closest thing I could find to hoagies and red wine : )

Tomorrow, I go to Portugal for the weekend with Jessie and some of her friends in Madrid!

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