Monday, September 23, 2013

The Adventures Continue

So I have been very busy lately, just exploring the city, planning trips, and just hanging out.

My first day of school was Sept. 11. I am taking International Finance (My only class in English), Phonetics and Phonology ( I still can't quite tell the difference between the two, give me another week), Spanish Culture, and Economics of the EU. In my Spanish Culture class, there were about 12 Japanese students. I still can't figure out why they want to learn Spanish and not English? They really struggle with their Spanish to say the least. But the other day, they basically got kicked out of class and told to come back at 4 for a class at their level.

The other day Cece and I explored Alcazar, a 10th century castle. There, Christopher Columbus told King Ferdinand and Queen Isabelle all about his travels, Ferdinand Magellan went there before he sailed around the world, and Amerigo Vespucci thought about the name for the new world, America there too. (Thanks, Rick Steves)

Me in front of the Gardens of Alcazar

Courtyard of the Maidens
On Sundays, there isn't much to do around here because the whole city basically shuts down. So we went to the beach for a day in Portugal. Our neighbors, Hayley and Meredith were suppose to come with us, but they missed the bus.... 
So Cece and I enjoyed a nice day on the beach. It was a beautiful beach. However, because of the full moon the night before the tide was so high. So high, that we could not cross over to the other beach to go back up the stairs. It was like we were stuck on an island! We waited for about a half an hour and nothing really changed. We finally just made a run for it when the waves were out. One girl lost her phone and another guy lost his glasses. Luckily we made it with all of our stuff!

Beautiful Beaches of Algarve, Portugal

Beach cliffs at sunset

The Impassable Pass

I am headed to Munich for Oktoberfest with all my friends from Richmond on Thursday! I am so excited to see everyone again! 

Also, when I return, I will be moving host families. I will tell you more about that later, hopefully, tomorrow.

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