Wednesday, September 11, 2013

10 Things About the Past 10 Days

It has been very busy since I've gotten here, so here's a recap of the past 10 days.

1. The first few days, I spent a lot of the time just exploring the city.

Barrio Santa Cruz: a lot of shopping on windy streets


2. During the first week, I had an intensive class with people from all over. I was the only American in my class. There were Germans, Dutch, Brazilians, Poles. It was interesting to hear about their experiences in their home countries and how school works there. 

3. One day while taking a walk around the city, we walked past a wedding!

Military Wedding
4. I discovered an app for the bus system because there is no universal map that has all the bus lines on it. That has made my life so much easier.

5. On Saturday my roommate came. Her name is Michelle. She seems really cool.

6. We took a beach trip to Cadiz. It was so beautiful and relaxing.

The beach at Cadiz 
View of the old town at sunset

7. We explored Plaza Espana in Seville
Me in front of Plaza Espana
Cece and I in Plaza Espana
8. While exploring Parque Maria Luis, the park that Plaza Espana is in, we saw a ton of doves and pigeons and I held one! I was the only one out of my friends to get a bird to sit on my hand.

Me holding a dove
9. When I came back from Cadiz on Monday, my madre informed me that my roommate was leaving. She wanted to live closer to school, more in the suburbs. I'm sad that she's leaving me, she seemed really nice and a lot of fun. However, the plus side is I now have an open bed if anyone wants to come visit me!

10. On Sunday, a lot more Americans came to Seville for the start of classes on Wednesday. There are two girls who live right next door to me and one of them is named Meredith too! Her madre struggled too with the name Meredith. She told her madre to call her Meredi, which is much better than what mine calls me, Merh.

Me and Meredith

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