Sunday, September 1, 2013

Pulling an All-Nighter my first day in Seville

So, I have been awake for the past 26 hours and so much has happened. I sat next to a stinky man, got left at the airport, got my wallet stollen, almost decided to jump on a plane back to Philly, met my whole family, and shared a nice afternoon with friends.

The flight to Madrid wasn't bad expect for sitting next to the stinky man. The flight from Madrid to Seville was wonderful! I was fortunate to be in business class. I was offered cocktails, sandwiches, drinks, chocolate and a moist towelette. I thought I was living high!

We arrive in Seville and Cece, my friend from Richmond, finds her real family quickly  who take her to her homestay family. I on the other hand, did not have that easy luxury. The loop was not closed that my family was not meeting me at the airport and I was supposed to take a cab to their house. So I waited and waited for my family to come, but no one ever showed. I felt like a lost puppy. My phone didn't have service so I couldn't even try to call someone. So I decided to try to use a pay phone. Yea, that will be the first and last time I ever tried that. They are so complicated and all the directions were in Spanish, but they weren't really directions, it was just all the different options and I was so flustered. I accidentally left my wallet there, which contains my LIFE! Once I realized that I almost started to cry. I asked everyone I saw if they had seen my wallet. I met these girls from Chile who were so helpful. Luckily the robbers in Spain are actually very nice and they only took my cash and left everything else in there for me. Once I found my wallet I still had to figure out how to get in contact with my family. We went to the tourist desk and I ended up using his wifi and phone to call my family and figure out how to get to their house.

Whew, that was enough for one day. When I got to my house, mi padres' grandchildren were there. They are around 12 and 15 I think.They were very nice. I think they will visit a lot which will be fun. My Spanish was a little rough at first. I may have told them that Alli was married. oops. But other than that I don't think I really butchered anything. We had fried potatoes and eggs for lunch and salad. Yum!

My lovely humble abode for the next 4 months

After lunch, my madre insisted on finding out exactly where Cece lives because she thinks she is close. She even called Cece's house just to say hello. I think I am really starting to like my madre. I finally took a siesta, thank goodness. Then I met Cece and her roommate Helen and we went for a walk. We talked about all the adventures we are going to have over these next 4 months, including going to the beach, a bullfight, discotecas, the archeological museum, and many more.

Tomorrow, I have orientation and my first day of Spanish intensive course. I hope I can figure out how to get to school.

View of my bus stop from my bedroom window

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